Thursday, December 08, 2005
Say you'll be mine
Five shifts to go.Now that that's out of the way, what else is new? Alexandra's shooting her final film project this weekend, and I've got a very tiny part in it, so I'm in and around for that... I'm in 3 small scenes, one being shot each day of the weekend. It'll mean that I have some free time around the house, though. Lourenzo is going to a friend's for the weekend (can you imagine a 5-year-old on a film set?!), so basically, Friday and Saturday, when I'm not shooting, I'm just hanging out. Since my scenes are so small, it'll be a lot of sit-around time, which will be nice for reading a book, being online, etc, etc.
I'm a little worried, just because Alexandra isn't exactly the most organized person in the world, but she only has the equipment for the three days. Still, sticking to a schedule isn't her strongest point (there's a reason that I take Lourenzo to school in the morning. The days that she takes him, he's never there on time). It's not really any skin off my nose, though.
Put it this way--we're supposed to be doing a dress rehearsal right now, and no one is doing anything remotely close to rehearsing. Now, I know better than anyone how rehearsals can be postponed because of set-up and so on, but it seems like a lot could have been thought of beforehand.
That's just me, I guess. It'll be fine, and it's kind of nice to not have to worry about it. I mean, I just show up, get in costume, and do my three little scenes (literally, I have four lines in the whole thing), and that's it. Nothing else to worry about, and it'll be fun to just do it.
Other than that... what else is new? Not too much. Hopefully, I'll get a good chunk of Christmas shopping done this weekend. I want to have it finished before I leave on the 20th, so that just leaves me with a little over a week, and I'm working for a good part of next week. Really, tomorrow and Saturday are my best shots to get as much done as possible.
I've bought my ticket for Messiah on Saturday night. I'm really, really looking forward to that--not only am I looking forward to the music itself, but it's at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, which I've really wanted to see, and haven't been to yet. The Cathedral actually features prominently in some of Madeleine L'Engle's books, and we all know how much I love those... she has wonderful behind-the-scenes scenes from the Cathedral, and I know it won't be anything like that, but it's still always nice to actually be in places that you read about. You know?
Anyways... back to "hurry up and wait." That's what film is all about.
Enjoy Messiah--have you ever heard the whole thing live? Did you go with us when Dad, Auntie Lucille and Jessica were in it a few years ago? It is one of my favorites, as you know, partly because I grew up (to age 7, anyway, but I did hear the home rehearsals and performances) hearing Grandma Dorothy sing the alto solos in it (and lip-synching along as I listened). I wish we could go, but we don't have time for one more thing this Christmas season, I don't think. At least not that. The AUC/NUC Choral group might do it next year--we'll see if we are able to sing in it then. The CCC & CYC are singing Hallelujah at their concert on Monday night--guess that's as close as I'll get for this year!
Nice to talk to you tonight; I phoned as soon as we got home, so I guess now I should go make some supper--it's only 8 p.m.!
Love you,
I miss you so much! (especially since I want to see Narnia, and there's no one to go with!) I'm just using you for movies...hehe. seriously though, I miss you.
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