Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sit down, Mary Martin

So yesterday, I finally got my butt in gear (literally) and got myself a membership at a gym. A very inexpensive one, too. It's part of the city's Parks and Rec department, and a year is just $75. Anyways. It's just a block and a half down from the Barnes and Noble where I used to work, and it's right next door to the Neighborhood Playhouse. I totally didn't realize that the Playhouse was so close to where I was working!

We visited when we were here on Testament, but I really had no concept of the layout of the city, especially for that. I didn't navigate it myself--Cindy walked us over from Rockefeller Center, and I really didn't know, at that point, how far we'd walked, what direction we were going... anything like that.

But there it is, in all its red-door glory, right beside my gym.

On a... I was going to say "on a completely different note," but I suppose you could argue that the two are related, since they both have something to do with my education and training...

On a slightly (but only if you reside in my twisted mind) related note, I got the email from RMC informing the alumni of their proposed merger with AUC, which, it seems, they are taking far too seriously for my liking. I know that Kim, Esther, and I had this discussion at Christmas, and my opinion hasn't changed. It's not a good idea. I don't think that it's the route they should take.

And I know it doesn't really affect me anymore, since I don't go there, but still. For as many fallabilities as that school has, it's still my alma mater, and I don't want to see it make more dumb decisions than it already has. It wasn't a perfect experience, but it was where I spent four years, and I still want to see the best things happen to it.

So, my reasons? Several. The first one, which is a tie-in to things that both Kim and Esther said, is that it eliminates competition. RMC and AUC are Calgary's two biggest Christian colleges, and if you put them together, you remove so much choice. Not to mention the biggest sports rival. Each of the schools easily outnumbers any of the smaller Bible colleges 2 to 1, and both of them together would almost create a monopoly on Christian post-secondary education.

The second, and more significant, is that AUC is an Alliance college. RMC is multi-denominational. That's a huge difference, and I don't want to see RMC lose its multi-denominational qualities by merging with a school that's so denominationalist. Yes, I was raised in--and loved--the Alliance Church, but I also loved the fact that my education wasn't fully determined by the doctrine of that particular denomination. I love the fact that RMC has students from across the board--Catholic to Pentecostal--and that the professers and the theologies taught are just as diverse. I wouldn't have wanted to go to a school where I was only taught from one point of view.

Third, Rocky is a very arts-centred school, as well as offering some majors that are far less common. I've said it ever since AUC moved to Calgary, and I'll keep saying it. Rocky should continue to try and build its identity around that. They are far stronger in both of those areas than AUC is, or will ever be, and they should dig deeper into that niche. Realize that they fill a need that very few Bible colleges fill, and build their identity in that. I would hate to see them lose that sense of identity, and those programs, by merging with a school where they're not as high of a priority.

I know that there are valid reasons for merging, but to me, the cons definitely far outweigh the pros. I don't think it's a wise move, and I know that I don't have the final say, but I think that Rocky should, if they want to move to a university status, choose to do it independently, so that they can maintain their sense of who they are, apart from having to move with another school that is just too different.

Besides, who really wants to have AUCNUCRMC written on their college sweatshirt? And really, how does another syllable, particularly one with only the letters "RMC," fit into "uck-nuk"?

posted by Alida at 10:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds very much like our conversation of this morning, just around the time you wrote this!

How was the gym?

The truck key message was passed on quite quickly, since Esther called soon after you did. And your mail came today (that you were wondering about).


8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you thought about sending your thoughts to "someone" at RMC as an alumnus with an opinion on their future? I think it might be a good idea and certainly not hurt. You have some good and valid points, especially about its uniqueness. I heard at choir last night that there are some "information" meetings happening I think later this week.


9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your DAd... I ignored that email and I am glad you read it... I think you should litterally just cut and paste this and send it to Lucas... I almost thought I should just do it for you as someone anynonymous but I thought you'd might be mad. None the less... definetely let your voice be heard.

PS Saw the pic of Ed and now I remember... Wow .... I never saw there chemistry, then again only did a handful of rehearsals with him, but they look happy.. I am excited for them.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

I've heard murmerings that they are going to be going ahead of the merger tout de suite, as in next year! I'm more than upset. PS, I know have LD to America!!!!!

1:41 PM  

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