Monday, February 20, 2006

No loose change

So this is what happens when you leave me alone in my head. I come up with all these random entries that I want to post, and if I wrote them all in one post, I'd have something that dealt with a) communion and offering and its place in the worship service; b) street evangelists and people who hand out tracts on the subway; c) musings on why it is that kids just don't listen until you really don't want to explain what they're listening to; d) my strange dreams and why it is that I woke up very, very frightened (of myself!) and more than just a little bit squicked out; e) why my bedroom smells like wet wipes and swiffer; f) what, exactly, my evil plans for Jen's visit are...

And this is all in the past day or so. So I'll try to get it all down (except for maybe the dream. Ick) eventually, but here you go with the highlights of my day.

I went in the office this morning, because last week, Chris told me that I'd need to come in for at least part of the day, unless I was told otherwise. Since the reviews for barefoot came out on Friday, there was the possiblity of a run on ticket sales and such. Well, no one told me that I didn't actually need to go in, so I went, and by the time I'd been there for 1/2 an hour, figured out that no one else was coming. So I hung out and did some emailing and printed out all 101 pages of this. Which, by the way is amazing. If you're in arts and education, in any capacity, check these out. Laurel, you should particularly look at this one. It's such a comprehensive outline of theatre/arts education...

Then, I hit Target, and my steal of the day was the Dirty Dancing Ultimate Edition 2-disc dvd for $7.50. I don't have that movie yet, and it's just one of those must-haves in my collection, especially after second year of Rocky with Kat. I think we watched that movie at least once a week for an entire semester. Plus, I absolutely love Kelly Bishop, and I appreciate her so much more now than I did when we watched it all the first time.

And now... I've been cleaning and getting ready for Jen to come tomorrow! My room was absolutely covered in a fine dust, so that was fun. There was a leak in the roof, and the whole wall of my bedroom was discolored and blistered, so the carpenter was here, waterproofing and repainting, so he's been sanding. Anyways, it was a much needed thorough cleaning of everything, so I guess that's the bonus to the whole deal.

As for the rest of it... I'll get something out in the next day or two; possibly even tonight. Hopefully tonight.

posted by Alida at 5:37 PM


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