Friday, June 30, 2006

It's keeping me awake

Fancy that. My classmates are actually fun to hang out when when we're not in class. Too bad we're always in class.

Last night, they had a "closing reception" for us (even though we stll have a class left this morning), and after that, a bunch of us went out to Johnny Rocket's, and we just had so much fun. We were giddy and silly and just so relieved to be thinking about anything but class and all the assignments we still have to do, and it was just... fun.

As stressful as the intensive has been, it's been so cool to hang out and get to know them, and I'll miss them! That's one more group of people that I'll be sad to leave here--I won't be able to go to their shows and openings and galleries, and I'll miss that. We've spent so much time getting to know each other's dreams and goals, and it would be nice to stay involved as much as possible.

Ummm... I think we're going to try and stay in touch over the summer--keep each other on track with getting our papers in on time, now that we don't have each other to push us in class--and maybe all go out when the certificates come in the mail, to celebrate actually having them in hand.

And now, I must get dressed and get out of the house.

posted by Alida at 6:00 AM


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