Saturday, January 14, 2006

Diamond in the sky

Well, I am still alive and somewhat kicking... it's just been a while since I've had much of anything to say.

I started working in the church office this week--it's pretty much all what I've done many, many times before. Reworking curriculum that was written for 200 kids, making it applicable to 7. Buying Sunday School supplies. Printing and folding bulletins and so on. Phoning, scheduling, etc, etc. It's fun times, though. I'm really looking forward to it--it's good to feel like I'm doing more than just going on Sunday mornings. You know?

Other than that... it's been same old same old. I start at the theatre company on Tuesday, which is the other big impending thing. But this week has been lots of fighting over piano practice, getting re-used to dragging myself out of bed at 6 in the morning, and yelling at my computer. Again.

Heh. Nah, it hasn't been all that bad, actually. I'm making it sound like such an angst-filled week, when really, it's just been uneventful.

As this evening will be, I believe. I think I'm going to go see a movie, but it's not going to be anything spectacular. I may, however, take a notebook with me and try to write. No, not in the movie, silly. At a diner or something before or after the movie. I haven't had a chance to touch base with anyone and plan something, though, so unless I end up hearing from Naomi or Kim or someone in the next half an hour, chances are I'll go alone. Which really isn't all that bad. Right, Aaron?

Anyways... I need food, or caffeine, or stimulation, or all of the above. Wow. I hadn't had a Lourenzo weekend in quite a while! And this is a long weekend, so I get Monday, too... but.... I talked to Alexandra, and I found out that when Jen comes to visit me in February, Lourenzo and Alexandra are going out of town, so I don't have to worry about scheduling my Jen time around my Lourenzo time. Excellent...

posted by Alida at 3:06 PM


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