Friday, July 07, 2006

The time of my life

Still alive, although the papers are threatening to change that. Was up until 6 this morning finishing one. Four left.

Babysat tonight. Like, a real babysitting job, the kind I had in high school. One of the easy jobs, too--Belle went to bed within an hour of my arrival, then I watched TV and ordered takeout for dinner. And man, rates have gone up since then! Let's just say I was pleasantly surprised when they handed me a few bills and sent me out the door.

Did I mention, finished writing at about 5 this morning, went to bed around 6? Brain is off. Turned off hours ago.

Stupid trains, running on weekend schedules. And midnight schedules. That means an hour to get home.

And yet, I'm not asleep yet.

posted by Alida at 11:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's good for buying a few groceries or a Metro pass. Great! Any leads on any other jobs?


3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with all the papers!! :)

10:49 AM  

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