Tuesday, October 03, 2006

And this child is part of you

What, one comment in the last 5 entries? Have I become that boring?

Yeah, probably. Can't blame you.

I talked to the MFA Producing program head at CalArts yesterday. It was a good, 30-minute conversation, which impressed me. And so does the program, so far. She's going to send me more info, as well as some names of current students that I can get in touch with, and really encouraged me to make it a conversation throughout the application process. Which is good. If she knows who I am before my application comes across her desk, that's all the better for me.

Also, quite impressive, as I just sent out the questions on Sunday night, and I had a conversation with her less than 24 hours later.

She made the very valid point that I should consider doing campus visits to my top schools, and I agree with that, but it would get rather expensive if I did campus visits before applying, as well as having admissions interviews with any schools that I made the short list for. Probably my best bet will be to combine admissions interviews (which all have to be done in person anyway) with my campus visits. That way, I'll just be visiting the campuses I've got a shot at getting into (meaning, the ones I've gotten past the first cut for) anyway.

Anyway, even though I've been researching for this for months and have been studying for the GRE for several months, it feels more real, actually talking to someone about the possibility of an actual program.

posted by Alida at 9:44 AM

Blogger Vron said...

What's the MFA Producing programme... sounds cool! I was half heartedly thinking about going back to study - probably an 18 month Masters where I can spend 6 months on scholarship overseas :-) But prob won't pursue it.

4:29 AM  

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