Monday, October 09, 2006

Badges of discovery

Ah, the last step in my day of productivity: updating the blog. Really, not the "last" thing on the list, but since it's 10:00, it's probably the last thing I'll actually get around to doing tonight (while I'm watching Heroes and Studio 60).

So, where to start?

Big things first. I quit my job, and am going back to temping. Several reasons, but the biggest one is that I don't have the energy to actually have a job that I need to invest in and care about. It was affecting my creativity and that kind of energy too much--it's not about the hours; it's about what I'm actually doing at work. So, I'm going to temp, hopefully just really short-term (2-week or shorter) assignments, which will be a lot less mental energy, and will hopefully (sometimes, at least) give me more time throughout the day to research, write, etc, while I'm at work. Right now, my job requires too much of my time throughout the day, and, quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the oil and gas industry in Alberta.

Another perk of temping is that it's easy to quit if or when I get into grad school and move, and also, if I don't get in, and I keep getting ready to start my company, there's less of the temptation to get sucked in by a "stable" job and lose sight of the bigger goal.

So, that's work. Now, speaking of grad school, I've got my GRE on Wednesday, so I've been writing practice tests all week. And, very bizarrely, my scores have been flipping back and forth between my math and verbal being higher. Somehow, the right and left halves of my brain are flip-flopping. None of the scores are particularly low, but they're not consistent, which is weird. I've got one practice test left, which I'm going to do tomorrow (even though I was hoping not to study at all tomorrow), and then... the moment of truth on Wednesday at 1:00.

As for schools, right now, my top three are looking like Florida State, Brooklyn College, and California Institute of the Arts. There are still a few others that I'm waiting to hear more about the programs from, but right now, these are the main choices. Now I actually have to put the application packages together and get those sent out.

Really, though, could I pick three states that are any further apart? At least if I end up going to all of them for application interviews, I'll be going to interesting places. Of course, I can't imagine a theatre program (especially management) in a city that doesn't have a thriving arts scene, and therefore a good-sized population and an active cultural scene in general. It's just the kind of program that really needs to be somewhere bigger.

Thanksgiving weekend. On Saturday, I went out for coffee with a friend from the GGMM. Lots of fun. Again, as I've said many times, I just have to reiterate that I love meeting online friends in real life.

What else? I'm housesitting, starting on Wednesday. Sometime this coming weekend, I might have some people over for hot-tubbing and movies. So... if you want to come, it'll be grand.

And... oh yeah. Do you remember how I said I wasn't going to get involved in the Veronica Mars fandom? I was just going to watch the show for fun? Yeah, like that was going to happen. (By the way, in case you didn't figure out why I was linking there, I wrote parts of those pages I linked to. And more to come. Because I just can't stay away.)

And... short week. Between today being a holiday, and taking at least half of the day off on Wednesday for the exam (I haven't decided yet whether I'll go into work in the morning or not), it'll be a nice, short week. That makes me happy.

And I think that's it. That's everything of significance, at least. And maybe I'll even respond to a few emails before I fall asleep!

posted by Alida at 8:18 PM


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