Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Start of something new

Hrmm. I start a temp job on Friday. Excellent. It's a two-week vacation fill-in, so then hopefully something else like that will come along later on. And it gives me two days at home to finish the rest of my papers. So... cool.

I'm finally watching High School Musical. Hee. It's actually pretty cute. Except for this shot. That was actually kind of creepy. There's a big billboard-sized poster of the male lead, and the girl, who's singing a song pining for him, leans up against it, and his head is as tall as she is. That was a little weird.

Hee. It's all full of morals and stuff. And, man, these kids have nice cell phones.

Aaaaaaand... spoilers are starting to come out. I've joined the Virgin Mary Tour 2006-2007, so I'm trying hard to stay away from them, but it's tempting, knowing that they're out there.

Um, there was something else I was going to mention, but I can't remember now what it was. Something that happened--yesterday, maybe? Or today? Ach, I have no idea. My brain went out the window. Which is open.

Subway stations are the hottest places in New York City.

Janna, I succumbed and got a lj. Mostly for gg community and fic stuff--this will still be my actual blog--but it you friend me, I can leave comments for you.

posted by Alida at 10:17 PM

Blogger Kim said...

What's the Virgin Mary Tour? Check out my writing diary. http://whatwouldkimwrite.blogspot.com

11:12 PM  
Blogger kimbo said...

the other kim wants to know what it is too!
also, i totally need your lj address....i have one too.... : )

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Needless to say, so does your mother!

Glad you got a job! Will pray that this one leads to another one!

And I am able to recognize the other Kim in the picture! (It comes from being one of the four people who have visited you in NYC.)

Guess Who?

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAH!!! I am glad you are joining us... it is a total fan and fanfic place. It rocks... -J

4:53 PM  

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