Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Meat? Goooooood.

Here you go, Tuesday night party people.

I'm still housesitting, and didn't get home after rehearsal to pick up my VHS of tonight's GG and VM, so I'm waiting for VM to finish downloading so that I can actually watch it. Rehearsal didn't start until 7:30, so I was home long enough to watch GG, but I had to leave during the VM credits, so I only watched the teaser.

I'm finished work at the company and don't start temping until Friday, so tomorrow is grad school day. All the schools have online applications, obviously, and while I'm nowhere near ready to actually send in an application, I'm going to get set up with each of the schools and make a list of the recommendations, writing samples, transcripts, etc, that I'll need to have in order to apply.

Hayden Panetierre kind of looks like Hayley L.

Meat? Goooooood.

Wow, I'm random. Points to anyone who identifies that quote. It's not that hard, but somehow, I don't think that half the audience of this particular blog will have any idea what the reference is. The other blog? Everyone would know in a split second. But here? Yeah... not thinking that it'll be quite as funny.

Alright, off to bed. I've finally (after 3 tries) finished watching Heroes, and oh my word. That show gets more freakin' amazing every single week. Every week has a cliffhanger that literally leaves me screaming at the TV. Seriously. They just keep getting better and better. I think I would love that show even if the show itself sucked, just for the cliffhangers. And Veronica Mars finally downloaded, and I've watched it, but I won't put together the cultural reference lists tonight--I'll wait until tomorrow. And, of course, the Gilmore thoughts are up. So that's that.

Like I said, tomorrow? Lots of grad school stuff, and hopefully some writing. And maybe, one of these days, I'll get around to using the hot tub here, because I haven't gotten that far yet.

posted by Alida at 11:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's vocally watching Heros. I think I had the same response. Plus I think I have a little crush on Ninja Hiro.

7:52 AM  

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