Sunday, January 22, 2006

Rest is still unwritten

Cold. The boiler stopped working, and now we have no heat. It makes it very, very difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Very.

I wanted to go see Match Point last night, but it was sold out at every theatre I went to. That's what I get for trying to see a movie last-minute on a Saturday night in NYC. Has anyone seen it? Want to review it for me? Maybe I'll go Tuesday night--it'll be less crowded.

Random thought that I meant to post almost 3 weeks ago. When I flew out of Calgary to come back here, my plane flew almost directly west over Country Hills, and then veered south along Stoney Trail, basically, and then followed Crowchild past downtown before it went east. I think it's the first time I've ever flown out of the city on that route, and it was pretty cool to be flying so directly over all my favorite landmarks. The church, Superstore, and the Quiznos strip mall; Market Mall; Rocky; the approximate locations of my previous houses and several friends' houses; Crowfoot... I could point out everything until we got out of the city, pretty much. Most of the time, I've flown out over Airdrie or directly south, or even straight east, so this was pretty cool.

Second random thought. Last night, when I was trying to find a theatre that wasn't sold out, I ended up at one of the ones in Times Square, and I was pushing my way through the Saturday-night throng of tourists, and the thought struck me that, "I'm in Times Square, and it's not a big deal. I can come here any day I like, and, in fact, I walk through here any day that I work in the office." It was just such a strange thought that it's not a novelty. You know? I'm starting to realize that about a lot of well-known landmarks. They're part of my day-to-day scenery, and they're still amazing, but it's not like I'm seeing them for the first time.

By the way, thanks for telling me all your slogan generator results. It seriously made my day. Tell me more, if you come across some good ones! :o)

I've decided that if I want to pursue fame and fortune in New York, I should publish my own guide to the city. They all seem to serve some niche, right? So, I'll seek out, review, and publish every independent coffee shop in the city. That would go over well, wouldn't it? And it would completely justify finding every funky cafe that I can find. ;o) Teehee...

Anyways, I'm off to hunker down with my blanket, watch a movie, and try to stay warm. Wish me luck--I'm kind of attached (hee) to all my extremeties, and I don't want them freezing off!

posted by Alida at 5:17 PM

Blogger Mike Chase said...

Oh babe, I feel your pain.

*sending vibes from sunny Southern Ontario*


(Not Mike - he would NEVER call you babe, thanksfully!)

5:50 PM  
Blogger Alida said...

yeah, I was kind of wondering there... ;o)

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shades of before our upstairs furnace was fixed--waking up to 11 C. or less. Chilly!!

When I flew to Colorado last spring, we flew over Citadel, Hawkwood, and Country Hills Blvd toward the west and over the Springbank shop, before going south. It was the same for me, seeing all the places close to church, and the buses, and even thinking about the Hyrchas who were moving that day! Pretty cool.

Stay warm!

Mom (& Dad)

Sephie was in church today--she said to bring your phone number next week and she will look you up and arrange to meet you sometime when she is in the city (she lives about an hour away in NJ and goes into the city quite often).

9:50 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Ohhhh, "attached" I get it! I have a book to recommend. I haven't finished yet, but it's tres good. We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. Check it out!

10:54 PM  
Blogger Trevor said...

I always look out of the plane when I fly back home, just looking for the opportunity to lean over to the person next to me and say, "I can see my house from here." But it never happens.

11:32 PM  

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