Sunday, August 28, 2005
And I don't know why
So now that I've given this address out, maybe I should start updating here, too, hey?Well, today was my last Sunday at Foothills for quite a number of Sundays. I'm sure I've said this before, but it'll be strange to have to church-hunt, for the first time in my life, really. Someone--I think it was Nadine--told me that I should start going to Brooklyn Tab when I get there! I'll probably go at least once, just to check it out, but I guess we'll see if that would be a place where I'd feel at home. Who knows...
All my stuff is in storage now, and I'm stying in Esther's room, since Aunt Mavis is in mine. My stuff is strewn from one side of the room to the other--I'm living out of a suitcase and a laundry basket right now, and I'm trying to sort that last little bit of stuff and make it all fit in the right places.
Now that everything's packed and I don't just feel like I'm moving, it's all starting to feel more real. I've had two goodbye parties/get-togethers, and there are now people that I know I won't see again. It's not just a "maybe I'll see you, maybe I won't" kind of thing anymore--by now, it's a "I've said goodbye, and I know I won't see you until next June" kind of thing.
Friday night, Kat threw me a goodbye party with a bunch of my friends, mostly, and then this afternoon, we threw my dad a 50th birthday party. Which was also kind of a goodbye party for me. At any rate, it was a good chance to see people I might not have seen otherwise.
Speaking of parties, I'll have pictures from Friday night up here one of these days. I'm still waiting for people to email some to me, and then I'll post what I've got. We got some really cute ones of Jakes and me, and of the girls, and of all of us, I guess.
So tired. Sunshine really drained me today, for some reason. I need my bed.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
And that's what makes me love you
Tonight was Nadine's goodbye party, and as selfish as it may sound, I'm almost viewing every social gathering right now as a chance to say goodbye to a few more people. Take stock of everyone there, see who I may or may not see again in the next week and a half, and take it from there.It's still so bizarre and surreal, though. I don't feel like I'm leaving, and it certainly doesn't feel like I won't be back for nearly a year. I have one Sunday left at Foothills. A week and a half left of work. A few more chances to go out for coffee, see friends, hang out with people. I wrote in this week's work schedule into my daytimer today, and it's already filling up with those last-minute things--the last minutes that I thought would never really come.
Now, those last few things I need to buy, do, take care of... they all need to be done now. So strange.
And here I am recuperating from a cold/flu that knocked me down for half of this past week--three days that I thought I had... of all the weeks to lose that time. Oh well--at least it's now, and I can just move on with it.
Two more major social events. And these ones are actually somewhat for me--I'm not stealing someone else's thunder! :o)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Just a few more
Alida and Lynsae hanging out... just like old times
Mommy and Skylar--two beautiful ladies!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Edmonton farewells
So, the plan is to post all kinds of things here, including pictures. Beginning with as many pictures as I can get of all the people here. This is what digital cameras are for. So here we go. I spent the day in Edmonton with Lynsae, Skylar, and Lindsey, and Lindsey took pictures!Alida and Skylar
Skylar discovers the stairs!
Look at me! I can see you from up here!