Sunday, January 29, 2006

This is how to make banana bread

Gah. I love it when a long post is mysteriously altered and will take much patience (which I don't have at the moment) to fix. Oh well. I'll put it up tomorrow.

I feel a cold coming on, and I've been craving orange juice today. Coincidence? I think not. For some reason, the acid feels good on my throat. Yes, I know I'm weird.

This was supposed to be much longer, but I don't feel like trying to re-create everything now, so it'll come later. I'm trying to plow through some writer's block right now, too--I'm working on the next chapter of my latest fic, and I'm having some troubles getting the story to go where I want it to. It's okay, though, because I've got the next two chapters almost completed, so at least I know where the big picture is heading.

Anyways. A not-so-fun side effect of that impending cold is going to bed early. And that's just where I'm headed. Soon.

posted by Alida at 7:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should have given you some Cold-FX for Christmas! Eat and sleep well!


9:58 AM  

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